Friday, October 1, 2010

day cuatro

Today has been a crazy hectic day for me (read:stressful) and I do have a lot of things on my mind which this post is more than likely going to reflect today as opposed to my everyday life so I'm really sorry about that but anyhow, here are seven things that cross my mind a lot...

  1. I think this is every one's number one: the money in the bank account (or the money that's not)
  2. Will I ever get a job? When will someone offer me a job or call me for an interview?
  3. What am I going to eat? (it sounds silly but I have a gluten allergy so I can't always pick up and eat anything)
  4. Where are the dogs? (I'm house sitting / dog sitting and I worry about them all the time even though I know they won't go anywhere due to the invisible fence put around the acre of land)
  5. Am I going to have a good breathing day? (Being around dogs for almost a week and overusing my breathing machine is really taking a toll on my lungs)
  6. What else in our apartment don't I need so I can sell it in our garage sale?
  7. What books / movies are due back at the library? (so far we have avoided any late fees - which is really surprising for us)

I wish I could say that tomorrow's post will be a little more positive but I can't promise anything as you will be reading about six things I wish I could change or that I wish I would have never done

Peace, hugs & smiles,


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