Friday, November 5, 2010

best news in a long time! it is:

I GOT A JOB!!!!!

This is the greatest news that I could have received and it couldn't have come at a better time! A HUGE weight has lifted off my shoulders and I feel like a brand new person. No more worries and stress! I'm SUPER excited because it's actually the job that I really, really, really wanted. It's a youth program coordinator position working with inner city youth at a youth empowerment center in Dayton. I have always wanted a JOB that lets me work with youth (not just doing summer camps which I LOOOVE, LOOOOVE to do as well). With this job, I will be able to pay bills and (in time) do the things that I have been wanting to do for a loooong time which include:

  • date nights with Mark
  • $1.75 movie night
  • thrifting
  • antiquing
  • re-decorating my apartment
  • putting money BACK into my savings account
  • visiting my friends
  • and many, many, many more things!!!

Thanks to three of my dear friends Lee Lee, Becky and Alicia for helping me land the job with the rockin' references that they gave! And....I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!

Peace, hugs & smiles,


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