Here are the questions for this week:
1. eat chocolate covered grasshoppers or this freaky squid thing?
Definitely the grasshoppers...I'm so grossed out watching that squid video!
2. never see another movie or never watch TV again?
This one is hard...I don't watch a lot of TV now but I do watch a lot of Netflix which has a lot of TV on it and I can watch pretty much any TV show I want and I don't watch too many movies anyway so I would have to say that I don't really need to watch another movie.
3. be a superhero with a lame power or a super villain with an awesome power?
Superhero with a lame power.
4. eat only salty snacks for the rest of you life, or only sweet snacks?
Oh man...definitely sweets...
5. never read another book or never hear another song?
I can't believe I have to choose to give up one. I looooooooooove, looooooooove to read and music is such an enormous part of my life and music says to much and songs remind me of certain people and places...but, I would have to say...Ohmygosh this is soooo hard. Books, okay I'm going with books. As much as it pains me, I would give up reading books.
6. be a whale carcass remover or a sewer inspector?
A whale carcass remover sounds waaaaaaaaaaaay better than hanging out with someone else's poo. Not happening.
7. have no electricity or no running water?
No running water...I have friends and I need electricity for everything in my house to run/work.
8. be a dog or a cat?
Hands down I would want to be a dog!!!
9. always be hot or always be cold?
I hate being hot, like HATE, HATE, HATE being hot so I will choose to be cold because you can get warm with clothing, right?
10. be forced to watch all 3 High School Musicals on an endless loop, or the Twilight movies?
Twilight. I don't really care about them but I have seen them and I can handle watching them. Obnoxious teenagers singing songs = shoot me in the face!
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!!
Love & Laughter,
Those are SUCH tough questions!! I didn't know what I would pick for so many of them so I decided to sit out this week. HA! I like the fall background--super cute! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, I am soooo ready for fall. This is me hoping it gets here soon! It was super hard...and I was soooo tired from work but if I don't keep up, I wouldn't blog very much!!