Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Once again, I have linked up with Roots and Rings for Ten on Tuesday!

1. What is your dream vacation?
My dream vacay would be about two months long and I would travel the world. I wanna go everywhere! Spain, Paris, Germany, Italy, Caribbean. You name it - I want to go!

2. What has been your favorite trip so far in your life?
I haven't really been on any trips lately but one I will never forget in my life is when my mom took us on a family vacation to New Orleans (pre-Katrina). I feel in love with that place. I would LOVE to go back...something about that city that has my heart.

3. If you and one of your best friends could go anywhere in the world for one week, where would it be and why?
WOW! This is a tough one. I think I could talk Mark into taking me to Paris. He has been to France before but I haven't and this is on my bucket list anyway.

4. Have you ever booked a trip using an online deal? How did it go?
I haven't actually. I have rented hotels and had car reservations, but that's all. I have looked, but never purchased.

5. What’s your favorite thing to do while you’re on vacation?
To relax, be spontaneous and enjoy myself while in good company.

6. Have you ever missed an opportunity to take a trip that you regret?
I've missed lots of trips in my time. I wanna live my life without regret and one day, I know that I will make up for what I missed.

7. You travel far away from home and get stranded with no way to buy anything, what’s the one thing you can’t live without?
My phone and charger. I could then call someone, tell them to wire me some money and then we would be on our way :)

8. What’s one of your favorite traveling memories?
With family, it would have to be the trip to New Orleans. My first flying experience by myself was to NY to see a friend so that is definitely a favorite memory. Panama City Beach, FL with my friends right out of high school will be a trip I never forget and Mark and I haven't really traveled together but I just KNOW that our honeymoon will be a great memory!

9. All included resort or backpacking? Why?
All inclusive resort, obviously. I don't hike and I certainly don't backpack through anywhere!

10. Are you more of a lie on the beach kind of person on vacation, or do you prefer to see the sights?
I love the best of both worlds.

Now, answer the questions, blog about it and go link up --- everyone is doing it!!

Love & Laughter,

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED this prompt today. I LOVE traveling and all of the questions made me want to book a trip asap!!
