Thursday, October 13, 2011


I've obviously been playing around with the design of my blog and I am soooo sorry if it's annoying. I just like change...I get bored with seeing the same thing. It's kind of like how I drive to work - I travel a different way every week. There are a million different ways to get to work from my house and I always try to find the shortest route (for those oh-my-goodness-the-alarm-didn't-go-off-days) but a change of scenery is always refreshing.

I am definitely open to suggestions for what you like, what you don't like, etc. I've just recently became really active in the blog-o-sphere and I am still learning...a lot!!
Not only is my blog and my drive to work in the constant process of change, but I'm working on changing some things in my on the lookout for a whole post dedicated to that. I'll give you a hint

Love & Laughter,

1 comment:

  1. I love your post today--and as I told you before, I love your blog background! Looking forward to hearing about teh changes coming your way! :)
