Friday, April 27, 2012


Awhile back, and I mean awhile back, I posted about some changes that were going to be coming and well, those changes are here!!!

I've always known that I had a love/hate relationship with food and exercise. I loved food, it hated me. I hated exercise and exercise would love me. I didn't want to compromise. Until now. I've come to a point in my life where I actually WANT to do something about it. When I spoke the words, "I KNOW I NEED TO CHANGE, it sounded great, but physically and mentally I didn't want to do anything about it. I just didn't want it bad enough. I was at the point where I accepted the way that I was and I was comfortable being there.

Recently, I decided that I don't want to be comfortable anymore and I've decided to make a change. A few, actually. And this BIG change comes with a lot of support of Mark. He is such a rock in my life especially since a lot of changes at once can be overwhelming but so far, I'm doing really good and I'm really proud of myself and I'm so elated to be on this journey with a man that I love!

Change One: I'm counting calories and FINALLY watching what I am eating. The myfitnesspal app on my phone is really helping me with this. I'm ashamed that I actually had the app downloaded for a long time, I just never utilized it. Better late than never, right?
Change Two: I'm exercising. This includes walking, jogging, running (slowly but surely) and hiking. And the funny thing about it - I'm actually enjoying it. It probably helps that I have some really comfortable (and awesome) running shoes, too.
Change Three: I'm drinking a looooooooooooot more water AND eating breakfast. Water is my favorite but I wasn't doing so good about consuming it. Same thing goes for breakfast.
Change Four: I'm being more positive. Overall, I'm typically an uber positive person but I'm looking at everything in a brighter light now and on a much more positive note.
Change Five: I'm not making excuses. For so long I've made excuses. And I made a LOT of them. Like a lot a lot a lot. One really consistent and major excuse that I ALWAYS, ALWAYS made was that I had asthma. While I do still have chronic asthma, I have not had to use my inhaler during ANY of the times that I have exercised. Just for that, I feel like I can do anything. No need to mention any of my other excuses, this one blows them all out of the water.

I'm normally a person that would do something one time and then not do it again if I weren't seeing any results but I had to really put it in my mind and grasp the concept that I didn't get chunky overnight so it's not going to come off overnight.

I've managed to consistently exercise, eat healthy, and consume about 1,200 calories everyday this week. I feel really good and I've managed to lose 9lbs. (don't worry though, it wasn't all in one week). Some people diet and exercise because they want a beach bod while others do it for their health. Me, I'm doing it for both!!!

If you would have asked me several months ago if I would be at this point in my life (especially exercising), I would have laughed in your face. There is something about this journey that makes me so overwhelmed with happiness and joy. I can't wait to see what lies ahead...


  1. Jess, I'm so happy to hear this & so proud of you. Send some of that inspiration & enthusiasm my way, OK? ;)

    1. Thanks!!! It's definitely not easy, but even if you don't want to exercise right now, I encourage you to download the myfitnesspal app and just log the calories you eat. Starting off slow is better than doing nothing. My sister lost 24lbs. so far and she hasn't exercised...she just logged her calories. Good luck! I KNOW you can do it, too!

  2. You rock!! I am trying to get healthier as well and as much of a struggle as it is to work out, I always feel better afterwards! We can be slow running buddies at camp! :)

    1. YAY!!!! I would love to be slow running or fast walking buddies at camp!! I don't want to stop just because we are there. I can't wait!!
