Sunday, November 28, 2010


It's been awhile so let's recap what I have been up too...
  • I spent a weekend at Bountiful with some rockin' people for Sr. High Retreat
  • I did some pre-work stuff (drug test, background, orientation...)
  • I started a new job
  • I've witnessed a dead body being covered by a white sheet among other things while doing my job
  • Mark and I had our first Thanksgiving by ourselves
  • I relaxed for 5 days without doing anything and I got paid for it!!
  • I decorated the apartment for Christmas (minus the Christmas Tree)
  • I've tried new recipes

It doesn't seem like a lot, but really it has been crazy busy around here.

Now that I think some of it has settled down a bit, I am making a commitment to making more time to read. I love, love, love to read and I have plenty of new and old books to show for it. Since I don't go into work until 2:30 - 3:00pm, I am going to commit to reading a book for an hour a day. I started Mercy by Jodi Picoult and I never got around to finishing it so that's what I am going to be reading over the next week.

I also promise to blog more often!

Peace, hugs & smiles,



  1. I read THREE books this month! Granted, they were all young adult sci-fi novels, but still... it felt good to get that much reading in!

  2. I'm sorry you had to endure watching some be covered with a white cloth after there death. That is the first time. I am glad though that things are looking up for you....Shine the light....

  3. yaaaaaaaay i am so glad that you are back to blogging!! i love the recap! and i am impressed that you cooked an entire thanksgiving dinner!! nice work!!
