Guess what?? I'm a Bzzz Agent!! What's that you ask...well, I'll tell you.
A few years back I was once a Bzz Agent and then my computer crashed and I lost my login info and I just never went back. I did have the opportunity to try a Glade product (which I loved and bought plenty more of) but I never did anything else with it. But....I am happy to report that I now have a trustworthy computer and I am even more eager to be involved as a Bzz Agent because there are more social media outlets that I am a member of that will allow me to Bzz more people about the awesome things I get to try.
So here is everything you need to know:
What is BzzAgent? It's a word-of-mouth program that allows people like you and me to try a variety of products and services for FREE!!
What's a Bzz? It's what we all do everyday - communicate, talk, share our honest opinions about the product or service that we try with two or more people.
What do I, as a BzzAgent do? I get to try products and services and share my opinion about them with people I know (and people I don't know, like when I blog).
It's a great website, program and service that allows people like you and me to experience top brands, share thoughts about them, have live conversations with friends and family and others via Facebook, Twitter and blogs. I love that I get to try awesome products and my friends get to learn about the awesome products that I get to try (and they even sometimes send you coupons for your friends and families to have! The more I participate, the better the products I get to try. I say that's a sweet deal if I ever heard one!!
Best thing about it, is that it doesn't cost anything and it doesn't really take up that much of your time. You are already Facebooking and blogging and tweeting anyway, right? So why not actually get something out of it. You also get to sign up for campaigns that best fit you and things that you actually want to try - they never make you sign up for anything that you don't want to. Are you thinking that this is too good to be true?? Well, it's GREAT! And it's true so have I convinced you yet to become your own BzzAgent?
If so, head on over to BzzAgent and sign only takes a few minutes.
I have just signed up for my first campaign and I am soooo excited to tell you about it. I get to try an 11X14 Meijer Gallery Wrapped Canvas Print for FREE!!! I'm really excited because Mark and I don't have too many really good photos of us in our home so I'm excited to be able to have this in our home!
I even have pass along coupons for my friends so that ya'll can transform your photos into works of art for 10% off! This coupon can be used for any sized Canvas Photo Print. It can also be combined with in-store promotions, but not with other discount coupons and it's valid from 11/27-12/31 - just in time for a great Christmas present for someone special. Leave me a comment if you would like a coupon!
I'll be sure to share with you all what the canvas looks like when I order it. Until then, I'll be bzzing!
Love & Laughter,
That's so awesome! I loooove canvas frames! :)