Wednesday, September 29, 2010

day dos

Here are nine things about me that most people don't know...

  1. I'm scared of the dark. You won't find me outside alone in the dark. I was traumatized as a child.
  2. Nothing annoys me more than cords, electrical cords, speaker cords, any kind of cords.
  3. I am allergic to any and all animals (even if they are hypoallergenic)
  4. My boyfriend and I like to talk like Carla and Daniel from The Other Sister (but never in the making fun of kind of way)
  5. I don't have cable or own a dvr, smart phone, ipod or a new car
  6. I love the crackling sound that the vacuum makes when it picks up dirt
  7. I've been cutting down my own Christmas tree since I was in middle school and now Mark and I still follow that tradition
  8. I would love to be a chef
  9. Dawn dish soap reminds me of my daycare center when I was a baby

What you will find tomorrow? Eight things I can't live without

Peace, hugs & smiles,


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