Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the library && everything else

Something that is not a secret about me is my love for books, all books, and being that I really don't have much else to do throughout the day but apply for jobs, clean, plan and organize (a little at a time), I can't even begin to count the minutes that I have spent in my local library. The good ole library has provided me with a wide selection of entertainment including movies, magazines and books. While I have a million resources for entertainment at home in my own personal DVD and book collection, what I don't have is the kind of books that I have been checking out - non-fiction. Organizing books, decorating books, cooking books, wedding books, dog books, craft books, holiday books, tattoo books, cake decorating books and many more have been on my list of books that I have read or skimmed - but there is one category that stands out the most. I have a love for simplicity but achieving that is sometimes hard to do but I have a new found love f0r organization (thanks to my unemployment and boredom). I have, for a long time wanted to get my apartment organized but I have been so overwhelmed with trying and not knowing where to start that I have just given up. I am pleased to say that I am on a roll and trying new ideas and tips from all the books I have checked out. I also have fallen in love with decorating and they have A LOT of those books at my library. My library card is definitely being used now more than it has, ever, and I am loving every single minute of it. My library even has a small section of books that are free and you can just take with you and you don't have to check them out. They are books that patrons donate to the library after they are done reading it so that you can read it and pass it along to a friend or even bring it back to the library so someone else can read it. The selection of books however, are not my kind of reading books (trashy romance novels, vampire books, etc.) but I still check it to see if I might find something that is up my alley or a book that I know a friend would enjoy (I got a couple of Nora Roberts books for my friend Lee Lee). In all of my page flipping I have done I have obviously found recipes, decorating ideas, craft ideas and just articles in general that I would like to refer back too but I clearly can't clip them out and I don't want to waste paper in printing them out so what have I done? I got out my trusty printer that has no ink by the way but does have a scanner and I scanned what I want to keep for future reference. It works, and it saves paper, and ink and keeps down on my clutter which in turn is better for my organization and getting my life on a more simple track. Have you visited your library lately? And what kinds of books do you read?

Peace, hugs & smiles,

1 comment:

  1. I just returned THREE very overdue books!! AH! I wanted to let you know that besides reading the hunger games--which is a must, the online book club that i'm a part of is going to read commencement for their next book. you should totally do it!! it's fun to read a new book, i found a bunch of new blogs, and i got a bunch of new readers!! ok love you :)
